
HAEFELY offers RSKF series of on site cable test systems based on the latest of frequency converters to facilitate such testing with fixed core, variable frequency reactors. These reactors are lighter and more powerful vis-à-vis variable inductance fixed frequency reators. HAEFELY has over one century of combined experience in design and construction of HV series reactors modules. We have traditionally been the industry trend setters for cable routine test systems. Reactor: made from best quality flat stacked laminations with fixed air gaps and is designed to have a very low loss. It has a long lasting design and is operable between 20-300 Hz. Frequency converter: has a top of the line converter technology; compact and with tailor made software control algorithms. Container: Frequency converter and control cabinet are in an air-conditioned modified ISO container


  • Mobile with industry standard trailers
  • Frequency Range 20 ... 300 Hz
  • Front End components in Air-Conditioned container
  • Wireless temperature sensors for thermal management
  • Actively cooled reactors